Great adventures, great friends
Welcome to
Airstream Club Europe
Anyone with an Airstream, Argosy or Curtis Wright product in any country in the continent of Europe can become a member. Owners outside Europe can also join us and receive communications as full participants in the club.
a message from
our president
Welcome all Airstream owners to the Airstream Club Europe. We share common passions … a passion for the open road, a passion for living. Our journey defines us and, as Wally himself might have said, adventure is where you find it, any place, every place, except at home on your sofa in front of the TV or on your mobile device. The road calls us, adventure calls us and we live as explorers charting our own paths. We have a common spirit that moves us to follow a rainbow to its end … and to make our dreams come true.
We live in a world where we are surrounded by disposable products, where there are very few things that stand up to the test of time. Airstreams stand up to that test, and give us that unique pride of ownership, that special feeling. We travel the world in a handmade anachronism that we never truly own. We are only guardians for the next generations of travellers. We are the Airstreamers - the privileged few.
As I write this I am smiling, looking forward to new adventures on the road and to meeting each and every one of our growing European community.
Bon voyage and happy trails.